Saturday, March 5, 2011

Important Regulatory Changes for the Trucking Industry

Legislation follows a constitutionally mandated and familiar path. Regulations, on the other hand, follow a lesser known path. Agencies propose regulation notices, and the White House Office of Management and Budget reviews these regulations. A public comment period follows, and then a final rule is published. If you want to influence the regulations that apply to you, the comment period is that chance.

The Hours of Service comment period ended Friday. 7000 comments were registered from companies, groups, drivers, and concerned citizens. commented, as did the members (our clients) of the NSRMCA. I have browsed all comments and read many. I did not see one comment in favor of the proposed regulation. I am sure there were some, but the overwhelming majority is opposed to these regulations. If the FMCSA publishes the regulation anyway, they will do so in the face of overwhelming opposition.

There is another proposed regulation for EOBR's - paperless HOS logging. This has been in process since 1990, so it took no informed person by surprise. However, for some reason, there are only 100 comments so far - and the deadline is April 4.

We do not support or oppose the EOBR proposed regulation. We'll have a product and service that will respond to whatever they come up with. We currently include EOBR-functionality in our system, and every one of our customers uses it and likes it. We'll do the same in the future.

Truckers, on the other hand, have plenty of reasons to both support and oppose this regulation. We're glad to help our clients respond to this proposed regulation by giving you factual answers from this side of the fence. Contact us with any questions you may need answered to make an educated response.

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