Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ray LaHood's Comments to the ATA

Safety is important; saving lives and preventing injuries is also good business. The new Secretary of Trasnprotation, Ray LaHood, spoke to the American Trucking Associations's board of directors on February 24th. We all know that the Secretary's job is not to help us make money. However, there are some interesting ideas thoughts presented. Here are a few:

“In each of the past three years, our nation has achieved significant decreases in the number of large truck-related fatalities."

“I am troubled that last year, nearly 73,000 trucking jobs were lost,” LaHood said. “In the third quarter of 2008 alone, 785 trucking companies with a combined fleet of about 39,000 trucks went out of business.”

“We want to make sure it (the EOBR rule) is the best rule we can possibility put out.”

Safety, technology, and emerging as a stronger company are all related.

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