Saturday, July 9, 2011

FMCSA Seeks Comments on Strategic Plan to Improve Truck and Bus Safety

"Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 2011 - 2016 Strategic Plan: Raising the Safety Bar" is a plan is shaped by three core principles:

  1. Raise the bar to enter the motor carrier industr
  2. Maintain high safety standards to remain in the industry
  3. Remove high-risk carriers, drivers and service providers from operation.

Comments on the draft strategic plan can be submitted to the Federal Docket Management System at, Docket ID No. FMCSA-2011-0098.

In addition, FMCSA has set up an IdeaScale Community on its main Web site at to comment on the plan. IdeaScale is a Department of Transportation initiative providing an interactive, on-line, transparent space for people to engage in conversation about draft proposals and vote whether they agree or disagree, which also allows FMCSA to ask clarifying questions to make sure the best comments and ideas are submitted.

Public comments at the and the web sites will be accepted through July 29, 2011.

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