Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Trucking Industry Survey - Your Input Needed

At the TXTA Annual Conference in August, we released the 2013 Texas Trucking Industry Study that we co-sponsor with TXTA. We hope you are finding it useful; please let us know if you need any additional copies. 

As we make preparations for the 2014 Texas Trucking Industry Study, we want your input. We are reaching out to all TXTA members for feedback about the areas in which you'd like the study to focus. We have put together a brief online survey which should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

Please click on this link, short survey, and provide your answers. We'd like to get your thoughts by January 10.

Feedback from TXTA members will help us understand your strategic priorities. The responses are anonymous and the results will be compiled and analyzed for preparation of the actual research questions to be used in the 2014 study.

Following the TXTA Annual Conference and research presentation in Lost Pines, we received positive feedback regarding the expanded study and its focus on the Highly Successful Subset (HSS). We are planning to continue this section as well as continuing to address key benchmarks so that we may maintain cumulative trends over time.
Please contact Meghan Jaskowiak at 210-495-8474, 
Coordinator@TexasTruckingAlliance.com or the Texas Trucking Alliance (www.TexasTruckingAlliance.com) as needed. We will be pleased to follow up to see if we can answer any questions. 

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